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2012-02-15 03:42:58
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Stay At Myspace

I know there are probably several variations of this sort of wiki, but my frustration continues to rise at the annoying people who come here seeking friends. These people have nothing to contribute but usually bad pics of themselves asking what we think of them and nothing original in their house. I say we take a stand and tell these losers to stay where they belong: at MySpace. Elftown is a site for artists/writers, not an online friends bar, STOP TREATING IT AS SUCH!! If you share my feelings, please join and link back to this wiki in your house.

NOTE: This does not mean I am against people making friends here, far from it! I am simply against people who come here SOLELY for that. Please show your support by linking back to us!

1. [Chaotic Serenity]
2. [Raesha]
3. [Saphira]
4. [Fearathress]
5. [Thrice]
6. [XxTsomexX]
7. [FrankoPhWN]
8. [Nike Laos]
9. [1BadassWarrior]
10. [Love and Chaos]
11. [the loved wolf]
12. [Jitter]
13. [Cia_mar]
14. [Vou]
15. [DeadSockMonster]
17. [SpiritOfTheWater]
18. [nopenope]
19. [{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF* tHe *SuBcOnSiOuS*}]
20. [neoqueen serenity]
21. [{*Suna's Kazekage*} Gaara]
22. [.Toxic Valentine.]
23. [Duke Devlin]
24. [TheKingdomLight]
25. [*(.Randi.)*]
26. [Hobbit teen]
27. [Erubeus] Even though I have a myspace... =x
28. [silent_voice] I likerz this, *posts in diary*
29. [Roxcie] Can't stand those people -_-
30.[Aki Neko]Umm....note the "Fantasy" comunnity? Not "Welcome and join with everyperson you seee"Commnity!!!
31. [†Sweets†] I have a myspace, but only so i can keep in touch with some of my friends.
32. [Mordigen] - i have a myspace too....but thats just it, i leave my BULLSHIT on my muspace, and my art on ET...duh, this isn't a cyber brothrel....
33. [Angel In Red] I dont have myspace.. but even i know to keep the rubbish in my head to a limit, so yeah... guess this wiki rocks... why? Because The Red said so.
34. [Nevermore.] arrrrg!
35. [Ansem]
36. [The Dark Wolf] why you say?... CUSE MYSPACE SUX!!!!!
37. [Vampire Akis] Yep yep Silenty's right ^^
38. [~`~Wolf~`~] I might have a myspace, but that's only to talk to the friends who aren't into fantasy as much as I am. And these people who are here that don't deserve to be are starting to piss me off.
39. [*Night_Shade*] Bah.
40. [Glassphyxie.]
41. [Silver Moon] I hate it when you see polls like: "Do you think i am Hot?" It's sick and usually the answer is NO! I think you are an ass for asking!
42. [Piercedskull] I dont have a myspace.I dont want one.But I agree with this wiki completely.
43. [Dark_Superman] I have one but only to stay in touch with some friends. But I agree as well, death to the sell out that is thus Tom.
44. [de Morte] I tried myspace awhile ago... but it sickened me so much that I had to delete the old account! If your friends are truly your friends then you can stay in contact WITHOUT myspace!
45.[alli.DEADFAYCE.] myspace whores go to myspace. elftown whore stay here. plan and simple.
46. [▲.] This is definitely a place for art, and since I'm an artist this just happens to be the place to be. However, even though MySpace has it's downs, it's still a lovely way to keep in contact. If you abuse the way you use the site, then so be it, some are likely to complain about it. I ask that people don't dis either site, since Elftown has it's own fair share of downs.
47. [Fetish Dolly Koneko™] I started at ET and then went to Myspace and I have enough brains to know where to keep certain things. I love them each for what they are and they should remain different places.
48. [loonygirl2005] AMEN TO THAT! This is a place for artist to actually reach out. Yes you have the option of posting art but they aren't really appricated unless you are famous. Myspace is a purely social place where anything goes but here. This is a sanctuary for all artists to express themselves without the need for cybering. So for those who need to be hot and compared to stars go do that on myspace.
49. [wicked fae mage] Perverts can stay at myspace to tell people they look hawt and wanna cyber. We're artists against perverts!
50. [the mad hatter2] who gets off to cybering? its really stupid
51. [MyAlterEgo] If I wanted to read that stupid shit, I'd be on myspace. I come here for a dose of humanity.
52. [*Phoenix*] Does anyone else find it funny that, at the beginning of member lists, no one makes a comment, then 1 person does and everyone after follows; therefore making the only way to be noticed to NOT put something even though the first person who has a comment was doing the opposite?
53. [Gypsy Mystik]- I agree.... I love being able to be creative here, truly creative.
54. [The Dizzy Raven]

Take Elftown Back

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2007-02-24 [Raesha]: may i join this? i totally agree.

2007-02-24 [Chaotic Serenity]: PLEASE DO! I am so tired of going to houses that have NOT ONE FREAKING THING TO DO WITH ANY FORM OF ART!!! I mean, I know I'm not your typical artist, but I do write, and sketch every so often. I contribute SOMETHING.

2007-02-24 [Raesha]: i am too. thats why im on elftown not myspace.

2007-02-24 [Chaotic Serenity]: EXACTLY!

2007-02-24 [Chaotic Serenity]: Making friends is one thing, but it should NOT be your entire reason for joining this site.

2007-02-24 [Raesha]: i originally joined because my friend told me how you can find all sorts of authors and artists here and meet interesting people that actually have brains. it seems to me more and more people i meet are air-headed myspace freaks.

2007-02-24 [Chaotic Serenity]: I know! I want to talk to someone who does something, draw, write, think, anything.

2007-02-24 [Raesha]: Do you mind if I tell my friends about this? I'm sure that they'd agree!

2007-02-24 [Chaotic Serenity]: PLEASE! Tell your friends about it! I want to have people join up, though I'm sure I'm going to get a few airheads try to join...>>. And please put a link to this wiki in your house!

2007-02-24 [Raesha]: will do!

2007-02-24 [Chaotic Serenity]: Thanks!

2007-02-24 [Raesha]: anytime!

2007-02-24 [Darian Hawke]: lol. First of all there is nothing wrong with people making friends here. There's nothing wrong with people who WANT to make friends here. There IS a problem with people who come here JUST for that especially when they have no interest in fantasy at all. There is also a problem with people coming here looking for sex or stuff like that.
An how incredibly annoying is it when people say "I'm sooo HOTT aint I?" "Whut u want to do to me???"
Gosh, get a freakin life!!!
so all in all, yeah I agree with this wiki, though I think you aught to make it clear that you are NOT against people making friends.

2007-02-24 [Raesha]: well, i know thats not what i mean. i've made plenty of friends here. what irritates me is what you said; people who don't care about anything elftown is here for. we should probably specify that.

2007-02-24 [Chaotic Serenity]: Yeah, okay. No prob, you make good points. I just am really frustrated with the lack of interest in art around here. ><

2007-02-24 [Chaotic Serenity]: There, it's changed. [Darian Hawke], will you join?

2007-02-24 [Darian Hawke]: i have my own version of this The knights of Vangaard.
It is all towards the same goal I think.

2007-02-24 [Chaotic Serenity]: Ohhh. *goes to check out*

2007-02-24 [Raesha]: oh! I want to see too! *follows*

2007-02-24 [Chaotic Serenity]: Umm...that has NOTHING to do with this. Yours is a fantasy rp for knights.

2007-02-24 [Raesha]: it still looks fun!

2007-02-24 [Chaotic Serenity]: I didn't say it wasn't fun, I just said it hasn't got anything to do with my wiki like he said.

2007-02-24 [Raesha]: maybe he meant how in elftown your supposed to be kind and respect each other. i don't know. I don't see how it's the same either.

2007-02-24 [Chaotic Serenity]: Perhaps he simply didn't want to join my wiki. *shrugs* w/e.

2007-02-24 [Raesha]: i don't see why not. he agreed with what you were saying.

2007-02-24 [Chaotic Serenity]: People are strange, what can I say?

2007-02-24 [Raesha]: but because they're strange life is that much more interesting!

2007-02-24 [Chaotic Serenity]: True. ^^

2007-02-24 [Raesha]: imagine being surrounded by boring people all day long for the rest of your life! *shudder* i'd go insane!

2007-02-24 [Chaotic Serenity]: Tell me about it.

2007-02-24 [Raesha]: do you have a MySpace account?

2007-02-24 [Chaotic Serenity]: Unfortunately. I am considering deleting it since it's so rarely used.

2007-02-24 [Raesha]: ah. it seems like everyone has a MySpace now.

2007-02-24 [Chaotic Serenity]: I only created one because my fiancee had it, but I never use it.

2007-02-24 [Raesha]: all my friends have one, but i refused to make one. they still aren't happy with me!

2007-02-24 [Chaotic Serenity]: Ahh, MySpace deleted. I feel good now. ^_^

2007-02-24 [Raesha]: yay! you fought the hypnotic power of myspace and won! woohoo!

2007-02-24 [Chaotic Serenity]: lol

2007-02-24 [Raesha]: ^_^

2007-02-25 [Darian Hawke]: I dont have a myspace. Nor any other net account thingy.
and my wiki is NOT just about playing as a knight.
"This wiki is for people who wish to stand proud and say "I'm a good person (and I love fantasy!)"
Meaning no Emo's, cyberers, annoying lame people etc'... See the connection?
And im sorry, I've got my reasons for not joining. I do agree with it though, and I'm not strange nor boring. lol

2007-02-25 [*DIABOLICAL MASQUERADE*]: I love fantasy and am an Artist, but am labeled a freak.... According to what was just said I guess I can't join?

2007-02-26 [Chaotic Serenity]: ....How would that negate you? I want people to join, how would being a freak disqualify you? Please join. ^^

2007-02-28 [Raesha]: what makes you a freak? you're only a freak if you choose to be!

2007-03-01 [Notril]: DAMN RIGHT KILL THE MOTHER FUCKERS FROM MYSPACE TRYING TO TAKE ELFTOWN -gets out mini guns and ak-47's along with a couple of grenades and rocket launchers- WHOS WITH ME? -runs in with guns blazing-

2007-03-02 [Chaotic Serenity]: Yeah! Now please join! ^^

2007-03-03 [Raesha]: please keep violence to a minimum... please? *puppy dog eyes*

2007-03-03 [XxTsomexX]: ^^'

2007-03-03 [Raesha]: i have my own wikis...
Squirrel Haters United and Oh look! A chicken! . Please join respectivly.

2007-03-03 [Notril]: awwww but no violence=no fun V_V lol

2007-03-05 [Raesha]: i don't really hate squirrels, its really just a joke!

2007-03-05 [XxTsomexX]: lol

2007-03-05 [Raesha]: ^_^_^
three eyes!

2007-03-05 [XxTsomexX]: weeeee!

2007-03-05 [Raesha]: i'm so adhd...

2007-03-05 [XxTsomexX]: lol its ok

2007-03-08 [Raesha]: im surrounded by others... cool....

2007-03-19 [manwe]: "friends bar"???
didn't you mean "whorehouse"? "brothel"? "pickup bar"? heh...
this is hardly a new rant... but, as i am, so are you tilting at windmills.... welcome sanchez!!

2007-03-21 [Raesha]: um... when anyone mention whorehouses?! HAVE I BEEN GONE THAT LONG?!?!?!?!

2007-04-04 [{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF* tHe *SuBcOnSiOuS*}]: ehm.... ok first off just because somebody has a myspace account does not mean that they are losers..... and the only people i talk to on myspace are my actual true life friends... it is the only way that i have to keep in touch with them.... and i joined elftown not to make friends but to share my interests.... i have posted some drawings but have not yet got around to posting my peoms.... so please dont assume that i am a loser just because i like to keep in touch with my friends....

2007-04-04 [Jitter]: I don't see why you're offended by this. This is completely directed to teenHos and horny little buggers that are not artists.

2007-04-04 [Love and Chaos]: Its because there are those who come to Elftown and post nothing more than "If you really want to talk to me then find me on myspace" and then leave a screen name. No offense but that really bugs us. If you have a myspace then fine but dont let that be the main focus, we are serious artists and writers trying to get help and critisms on our work.

2007-04-04 [{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF* tHe *SuBcOnSiOuS*}]: ok... i get that and there is nothing on my elftown page saying anything about my myspace page..... so i guess i just overreacted a little and i apoligize for that..... i also have to agree with you that when i go to someone elses page and see nothing but "Im leaving elftown for good, if you want to talk then find me on myspace..." it gets on my nerves.... so im sorry for misunderstanding and overreacting.....and thanks for clearing it up for me....

2007-04-05 [Raesha]: *peeks around a corner* is the fighting ceased?

2007-04-05 [XxTsomexX]: XD

2007-04-05 [Raesha]: <img:44166_1164903284.gif>

2007-04-05 [{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF* tHe *SuBcOnSiOuS*}]: lolz.......... ummm yeah i guess it has. Altho i didnt really think of it as fighting...

2007-04-06 [Raesha]: okay then.....

2007-04-07 [{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF* tHe *SuBcOnSiOuS*}]: yay!!! dont know why i did that but ummm.... ok then....

2007-04-07 [Raesha]: ......
your nuts....

2007-04-07 [XxTsomexX]: *doin the donkey dance*

2007-04-08 [Raesha]: FUN! can i join?!?!?

2007-04-09 [XxTsomexX]: yeah!

2007-04-09 [{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF* tHe *SuBcOnSiOuS*}]: Yeah.... maybe i am nuts....

2007-04-13 [Raesha]: *does the donkey dance* FUN!

2007-04-15 [XxTsomexX]: whoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-04-15 [Raesha]: heehee! happy fun time!

2007-04-15 [XxTsomexX]: lol

2007-04-15 [{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF* tHe *SuBcOnSiOuS*}]: Weeeeeeeeeeeee gotta Peeeeeeeeeeeee

2007-04-15 [Raesha]: ................
i'm terrible sorry....
or i'm happy for you.....
which do you prefer?

2007-04-15 [{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF* tHe *SuBcOnSiOuS*}]: lolz.... its all good either will do....

2007-04-15 [Raesha]: okay then...

2007-04-16 [{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF* tHe *SuBcOnSiOuS*}]: yeah..... i think there's something wrong with my head.... you see.... i keep hearing these little voices.... and they tell me to do these things.... and those things get me into trouble.... But, then again maybe thats just my imaginary friend.....hmmmmm......

2007-04-17 [Raesha]: are they friendly voices?

2007-04-18 [1BadassWarrior]: Zyprexa.

2007-04-18 [{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF* tHe *SuBcOnSiOuS*}]: yes they are friendly... to me. But they just dont like some people.... Dont worry they like you so far...lolz Hey Guess What!!! I just got 2 new pets and they are so cute!

2007-04-18 [*save my soul*]: years ago when elftown was still new i was an artist in elfwood but now i am just a song writer and i come here for inspreation from the people that i meet, and yes i do have a myspace page but i was here first. am i not welcome here? or will you extend the boundrys of the word artist

2007-04-19 [Raesha]: EEP! WRITERS ALLOWED!!!! WE NEED MORE OF US!!! (you can have a myspace, you just can't use elftown as one.)
----what kind of pets?

2007-04-19 [Crimson]: Yeah, there are plenty of wiki's like this...especially the "take back Elftown"...that used to be the biggest...not sure if it is anymore...
Heh, I ended up leaving Elfwood because of the tightening of the noose...erm, rules...and left ET for a LONG time due to the flux of young teens looking for "love and friends" -.-;

2007-04-19 [Raesha]: see? that's what we're rebeling against! <img:44166_1164145171.gif>

2007-04-19 [*save my soul*]: i know and i agree with you. but when i joined et i was an artist

2007-04-19 [{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF* tHe *SuBcOnSiOuS*}]: hehe ok. i'll admit... when i sighned up for elftown i didnt know what it was. But as soon as i knew i started posting my peoms and stuff. And i never was one of those who was looking for love and friends. Altho i have to say that i did meet my fiance on elftown, but not because i was looking for love... he just messaged me telling me he liked my peoms and we started talking.... And as far as the pets.... YAY!!! lolz... i have a Dwarf Hamster, and a Chinchilla... they are both awsome!

2007-04-20 [Raesha]: oh! so cute! and im happy bout your fiance!

2007-04-20 [{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF* tHe *SuBcOnSiOuS*}]: Thank you so much......

2007-04-20 [Love and Chaos]: I to say, that as long as I've been here thats allI've done is post poems and such.

2007-04-20 [{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF* tHe *SuBcOnSiOuS*}]: thats pretty much all i have done. I cant help it if my Fiance messaged me, telling me he liked my poems and drawings... and now we are engaged... Its not like i was searching for someone...

2007-04-20 [Raesha]: well, amazing things will happen all the time!

2007-04-21 [{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF* tHe *SuBcOnSiOuS*}]: Yeah i guess your right... and i didnt think so until i met him... and that was almost 2 years ago!!

2007-04-22 [Raesha]: ^_^

2007-04-23 [{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF* tHe *SuBcOnSiOuS*}]: lolz.... yeah i know...

2007-04-24 [Raesha]: i'm happy your happy and thats all im gonna say!

2007-04-26 [Love and Chaos]: See, thats great for you. I had a myspace, but it was too much of a popularity contest for me so I deleted it. It really bothers me when I see people who come here and leave descriptions that say, "I wont be here much, but if you want to message me here's my myspace:.............". It's really annoying for us that have been here for so long and are serious about what we do.

2007-04-27 [Raesha]: I AGREE! THANK YOU!!!!

2007-04-30 [SpiritOfTheWater]: Meh.... I'm a writer...... ^_^

2007-05-01 [Raesha]: me too! what do you write?

2007-05-02 [Night Prowler]: ahem,question!
would i count as such?
i don't have any art or such up at the moment,but right now i'm working on a few things that require a lot of time and such now because i wasn't completely satisfied with the last work that i put up.

2007-05-04 [{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF* tHe *SuBcOnSiOuS*}]: Thanks! And no i would'nt say you count as such because you are working on something to put up... hmm... has anybody seen my stuff yet? Its on my page but the Poems one messed up so theirs no link on my page... you'd acyually have to Type it in... sorry about that. But if you have the time check it out altho sum of you may not like my type of drawing and my poems....

2007-05-07 [Love and Chaos]: No you dont qualify that because at least youre trying most dont even do that.....

2007-05-07 [Night Prowler]: ah,nice!got some of it up now...heh heh heh only a couple,but meh...<img:stuff/mood33-gif.gif>

2007-05-08 [{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF* tHe *SuBcOnSiOuS*}]: Well then good for ya..... now imma go check it out!!! hehehe...

2007-05-09 [Raesha]: ack! too much to check out! ACK!

2007-05-09 [Night Prowler]: thanks for checking it out!it's not on my house though,like most people i made a wiki for it so my house doesn't get crowded and such,Chyt art<img:61691_1126352591.gif>

2007-05-09 [Night Prowler]: hahaha,haven't heard or well,read, that in a while!

2007-05-09 [SpiritOfTheWater]: @ Raesha: I write poetry and fictional stories. Not the kind to put on Elfwood though. I wish but no. ^m^

2007-05-09 [Raesha]: too long? or *shifty eyes* inappropriate?

2007-05-10 [{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF* tHe *SuBcOnSiOuS*}]: lolz... yeah i know.... im bringing it back!!!

2007-05-10 [Night Prowler]: bringing what back?sexy?hahaha,sorry,i had to do it!

2007-05-10 [{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF* tHe *SuBcOnSiOuS*}]: i knew sumone was going too.... lolz... i was just waitin for it....

2007-05-10 [Night Prowler]: only cause my brother's been yelling it on flyff,it's one of those things like "da bomb" or "teh shit" where you just have to say it when the opprotunity comes around!

2007-05-10 [Night Prowler]: Or the best one ever "_____________.NOT!!!"

2007-05-10 [{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF* tHe *SuBcOnSiOuS*}]: LMAO!!! yeah i know what you mean... It's like in my family, whenever someone says "One time" someone else just has to say "At band camp"... it just makes it funny... or it used to now its kinda old....

2007-05-10 [Night Prowler]: hahaahooo...i've never heard someone do that before!Yep they do tend to get old,then ya take a break or someone says it when it's totally inapropriate and someone starts laughing and everyone else just busts up laughing till they cry!
that hurts,especially when it's a dumb one like "that's what she said!"

2007-05-10 [{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF* tHe *SuBcOnSiOuS*}]: yeah! Or umm "it wasnt me", "She made me do it"... i dont know if you know what im talking about but, these are things my famly laughs about because we used to joke around alot with those...

2007-05-10 [Night Prowler]: Yep,did that all the time as a kid!For some reason the parental unit never believed me though.Those little things used to be what was going there aren't any new ones being made or anything,like they're just dead!But recycling the oldies is cool too.

2007-05-10 [SpiritOfTheWater]: Nah, not the right context. They want fantasy, and I write more realistic things.

2007-05-10 [Love and Chaos]: Really, realistic like what?

2007-05-10 [SpiritOfTheWater]: Like, I'm in the middle of writing a novel right now about a lover's loss. She lost her fiance the day after they engaged. Drunk driving ^_^.... Or just something along the lines of a poem about my day lol.

2007-05-10 [Raesha]: that sounds really good!

2007-05-11 [{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF* tHe *SuBcOnSiOuS*}]: That does sound really good!!!!

2007-05-12 [Raesha]: i hear an echo... ^^

2007-05-13 [{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF* tHe *SuBcOnSiOuS*}]: yeah i know.... ECHO OO OO oo oo oo oo..... lolz

2007-05-14 [Love and Chaos]: Cool, let me know when its done. I'd like to read that.

2007-05-14 [SpiritOfTheWater]: I definitely will. It's taking a while though lol. It's not the best novel, but it will be better eventually. It's my first one and all lol

2007-05-15 [Love and Chaos]: Yeah well arent the first ones always rough?

2007-05-15 [SpiritOfTheWater]: Definitely! I am having the hardest time, and I'm barely on chapter three. I'm thinking of changing it up a little and doing one chapter before he dies, one after, one before, one after. Might be a little easier.

2007-05-18 [Love and Chaos]: Maybe, just make sure that you've got an outline of list of ideas to help you along.

2007-05-18 [Raesha]: does anyone have any advice on how to remain motivated? i start a story and than i get bored...

2007-05-19 [Chaotic Serenity]: I believe that's called ADD, dear. ^^ I can only write when the muse descends...which she doesn't do as often as she should...needs to bulk up on her gravity I suppose. ^^

2007-05-19 [Raesha]: howd you know i was ADD. jk (sorta) my muse comes in many forms... none of them consistent... sigh

2007-05-20 [Chaotic Serenity]: I realized today that, well, you know how some people like bouncing ideas off others, like to brainstorm? I -detest- that. It's so funny, even when they have good ideas. I mean, it has to really grab me for me to use it. I like all my stuff to come out of my mind, sadly.

2007-05-20 [SpiritOfTheWater]: (sorry, been away at a friend's house!)
*nods* I agree with what you're saying ^_^

2007-05-20 [Raesha]: well, its a good way to see what people think about your ideas. i can see why people do it but i personally dont.

2007-05-21 [SpiritOfTheWater]: I could care less what people think, so I'll just throw my crap onto paper and try to get it published lol. I've only had one piece published though.

2007-05-21 [Raesha]: oh! what is it?!

2007-05-21 [SpiritOfTheWater]: A poem. Nobody has ever heard of it. I don't even remember how it goes. It was published in a book of poems a few years ago. I couldnt' buy the book though. *cries* I'm poor.

2007-05-21 [{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF* tHe *SuBcOnSiOuS*}]: i've had two of my peoms published... well one so far but they just wrote me asking to publish the recent one... and they want to put it on a 3 disc cd collection too. The recent one is called Picking up the Peices... i still hav'nt said they could have it yet tho....

2007-05-21 [SpiritOfTheWater]: Well that's cool. I would love to have an entire book of poetry published. I have a lot of it, and would most definitely enjoy having my own book!

2007-05-21 [Love and Chaos]: I know what it is that you mean, I'd like to publish my poem "Hope", I just dont know where to have it sent to do so....*sadness*

2007-05-21 [SpiritOfTheWater]: Yeah, it costs money to find people for publishing. Mostly in postage lol jk

2007-05-22 [{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF* tHe *SuBcOnSiOuS*}]: [Love and Chaos] just go to and submit your poem... thats how i got mine published... its really quite easy...

2007-05-22 [SpiritOfTheWater]: Yeah, I got mine published that way too, but couldn't afford the book they were selling it in.

2007-05-22 [Love and Chaos]: Cool, thanks I'll do that.

2007-05-23 [SpiritOfTheWater]: *nods* Yes'm.

2007-05-24 [Chaotic Serenity]: I guess we're all peoples. ^^ I've gotten TONS of poems published there. Recently one ("Addicted") got an Editor's Choice Award. ^^^^^^

2007-05-24 [SpiritOfTheWater]: Well that's cool. I haven't gone there in a while. I might though.

2007-05-24 [Raesha]: i've had two poems published. the first one sucked majorly, but i liked the second one.

2007-05-24 [SpiritOfTheWater]: Yeah. I like my newer ones too. The one I had published wasn't all that fantabulous.

2007-05-25 [Love and Chaos]: hey do you all think you could do me a favor and check out my poetry and see what you think of them? I've only had the input of a few people and would really like more opinions.

2007-05-25 [SpiritOfTheWater]: Sure, where at?

2007-05-26 [Raesha]: oh! i wanna see too!

2007-05-29 [Chaotic Serenity]: He has a wiki(there's a link in his house) and he has them on DeviantArt under RedneckRebelPlyr. (FYI, I'm there as Victorina...*nudge nudge*)

2007-05-29 [Love and Chaos]: thanks for being so subtle baby.....but yes my wiki's as well as my deviantart.

2007-05-29 [SpiritOfTheWater]: I'll definitely check 'em out!

2007-05-30 [Love and Chaos]: Thanks.

2007-05-31 [Raesha]: dont' yuo just love subtlety?

2007-05-31 [{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF* tHe *SuBcOnSiOuS*}]: I checked them out and even left a little note.... they are good!

2007-05-31 [SpiritOfTheWater]: I left a smidgeon(sp?) of one too
Not sure if I left it in the right one though lol.
Sorry I haven't been on.
Trying to find a job.
Boss laid me off.
Jerk :'(

2007-06-02 [Raesha]: oh, im sorry! that really bites...

2007-06-04 [the loved wolf]: hi everyone

2007-06-05 [Chaotic Serenity]: hello. ^_^

2007-06-05 [the loved wolf]: how are you?? ///_^

2007-06-05 [the loved wolf]: wow

2007-06-06 [Love and Chaos]: wow what?

2007-06-06 [Raesha]: ...
were getting popular!

2007-06-06 [the loved wolf]: wow nuttin

2007-06-07 [Love and Chaos]: We are? I thought that we were already popular. Oh, wait, is that the point not to be?

2007-06-07 [the loved wolf]: i thought you were already popular too

2007-06-07 [SpiritOfTheWater]: (Yes, it does suck lol. I'll get over it.
Also had last of the year finals for school.)
Yay. People are popular.
Something I never knew.

2007-06-07 [the loved wolf]: lol

2007-06-07 [Raesha]: wait... no... i meant this wiki is getting good publicity! very rarely are wikis this big this soon! people believe in the cause! *sniffle*

2007-06-07 [the loved wolf]: yeah a lot of people believe that elftown should be for artist only

2007-06-08 [SpiritOfTheWater]: *nods* Tis true.
I can't draw to save my life though,
and if I left ET I would be lost.

2007-06-08 [_habnabit]: What about authors?

2007-06-08 [the loved wolf]: artists of all kinds

2007-06-08 [Raesha]: see, what i don't get is why the myspace cult decided to take over innocent, purpose-driven sites like this. what did we do to them?

2007-06-08 [the loved wolf]: we didn't do nuttin they just wanted everything that we got

2007-06-09 [SpiritOfTheWater]: They were jealous of course!
Sorry, sleep-deprived lol

2007-06-09 [Raesha]: *laugh* join the club...

2007-06-09 [the loved wolf]: lol

2007-06-14 [SpiritOfTheWater]: Yay!
I love parties ^^

2007-06-14 [the loved wolf]: wow so do i

2007-06-18 [SpiritOfTheWater]: No way!
I wish I could go to them EVERY DAY.
I totally would lol.
I'm going to one Friday though, so I don't mind ^^

2007-06-18 [the loved wolf]: i haven't been to a party in a while

2007-06-18 [Love and Chaos]: hey now we cant have a cyber party without THE party. MEEE!!!!

2007-06-18 [Raesha]: hm... a party sounds fun...

2007-06-19 [the loved wolf]: lol

2007-06-22 [SpiritOfTheWater]: Yeah. Let's throw a HUGE one. Just randomly on here ^^
That would be lovely. ^^

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